Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Don’t call it a comeback!

Reposting this from the author's blog. I use this program daily and hope any of you out there looking to loose weight give it a try.

Don’t call it a comeback!: "

I confess, I have some minor narcissistic tendencies. For example, the App Store search bar on my iPhone usually contains my own name, so I can check on the ratings of my apps at a glance.

That’s how I noticed this new review of FatWatch, my weight tracking app for iPhone:

It does exactly what it says it does, but it’s far too expensive and the developer seems to have abandoned it. Get one of the free weight apps and save yourself the dough.


In a world of disposable mobile apps, FatWatch might seem expensive, but it’s actually quite cheap for what it does: tracking your weight against a moving average in a well-designed application. The average is key; it’s the only useful way to track a human being’s weight, and none of the free apps can do the math for you.

For devotees of The Hacker’s Diet, it also lets you import your weight history from the old Palm Eat Watch app and export it to your computer any time you choose.

As for the other concern, I assure you that FatWatch has not been abandoned. I use it every day! I suppose it is overdue for an update, but that’s only to add new features, as (save for a minor cosmetic issue) no bugs have been reported in FatWatch 1.4.

The good news is that I recently completed a contract project that puts me in a comfortable enough financial position to devote time to a FatWatch update. So, watch this space, and if you’re interested in beta testing, wait for an announcement soon.


Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Weight status

Weighed in this morning at 332 lbs (151 kg). This is down from my starting weight of 348 (158) two months ago. I want to make the weight loss work this time. My goal is 185 lbs (84 kg) which will be the lowest weight of my adult life.

There are many people who think fat people don't know how to loose weight. They turn to those in great shape who have never been fat to learn how to loose weight. In fact, you should look for some how has experience overcoming the problem you are trying to overcome. To this end I have placed myself on the Hacker's Diet.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Location:Corporate Dr,West Des Moines,United States

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Snow driving

Teaching a teenager to drive can be a harrowing experience. You've got to remember what it was like when you learned to drive, the overall rules, you got to be observant enough for the both of you, and most of all you have to have patience lots and lots of patience. A blizzard came through this weekend so I'm teaching my 14-year-old how to drive. Pray that I survive.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Location:50th St,West Des Moines,United States

Friday, December 11, 2009

Trimming Content

I have way too much content to listen to. Currently I have about 50-60 hours of podcasts per week to listen to. I need to trim that down to a manageable level.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

He survived

Well, he survived. Not sure how. He was trying to get away with not doing his homework so that he could spend more time playing video games. So we laid down the law. Until he brings his grades up, no games on school days or if he has unfinished homework. If he fails to bring up his grades, no games until he does.

I hate to do that to him, but he has to learn.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Location:West Des Moines,United States

Kill the kid?

So this us a heck of a way to test a blogging app for the iPhone. I just got a call from my oldest boy's school. Appearantly he hasn't been doing his homework. So what do I do about this?

If it was just laziness I would just harass him into doing his work. Or possibly ground him. But there's the added complication that he has been telling us that he has been doing his homework. In our house, lying has always carried greater punishment. This is going to require some thought.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Games and getting serious

I often wonder if I really serious about running my own business. I seem to spend an awful lot of time playing games instead of working on the business. I need to stop playing many of the games I am playing and start focusing on the business.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Being a Polymath

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia:

A polymath (Greek polymathēs, πολυμαθής, "having learned much")[1] is a person whose expertise fills a significant number of subject areas. In less formal terms, a polymath (or polymathic person) may simply refer to someone who is very knowledgeable. Most ancient scientists were polymaths by today’s standards.[2]

One of the problems with being a polymath is that people tend not to beleive that you actually have knowledge in so many areas. You end up being veiwed as a "know-it-all" which implies that you don't really know what you're talking about.

Up to now, I've been focusing on one are that I really enjoy. That is, Computers. But I have other areas of focus that I'm good at. I need to start doing business with those areas too. I'm going to focus mostly on technology because MidwestGuru can be used as a blanket company for all things tech. But I'm going to start up other companies for other areas as time goes on.

Startup headaches

It's been a long slow road starting up a company from scratch. Especially doing it the way I've been doing it. That is, debt free. I'm finally getting to a point where I have the tools I need and will be starting to actually earn money. All the income up to this point has been sunk into tools and advertising. Thus, there hasn't been a net profit yet.